Prospective Graduate Students
We are seeking motivated, enthusiastic and curious Ph.D. students to join the lab. Our research focuses on the full annual cycle biology, ecology and conservation of migratory birds including various aspects of migratory connectivity and the quantification of specific threats to birds (from climate change to habitat loss to cats). We take this information and apply it to specific conservation action and policy to protect species. Specific areas of research include working with an existing long-term (>30 year) project with wintering warblers in Jamaica, urban ecology within a network of citizen science sites that are part of Neighborhood Nestwatch, full annual cycle biology and migratory connectivity of any number of species, and other interdisciplinary research on bird conservation.
Candidates should have a strong background in ecology, behavior, biology or policy with excellent written and oral communication skills and fieldwork experience. Master’s degree preferred but not required. Graduate school positions are available through the Department of Biology at Georgetown University. For more information about applying, see Interested and qualified candidates should send an email describing their motivation for pursuing a Ph.D. and research interests along with a CV to
Artwork by John Anderton.