July 27-29, 2021
11 am – 1 pm EDT morning sessions
2 pm – 4:30 pm EDT afternoon sessions
Via Zoom
Synopsis: Bringing back the abundance and safeguarding the diversity of the North American avifauna will require a coordinated, strategic, and deliberate effort in both science and conservation action. The first two workshops in the Road to Recovery Series focused on approaches for understanding causes of species declines. In this 3rd workshop, we will develop a process for advancing species towards sustainable population recovery, beginning with “Species on the Brink.” This workshop will bring together current bird species experts and working groups, social scientists, conservation practitioners and other conservation partners to explore both progress and challenges through the lens of five fundamental questions that reflect not just on science or conservation outcomes but also on the manner in-which conservation is practiced.
- What does population recovery look like and what actions are needed to support and sustain this process? That is, how will we effectively address the limiting factors associated with the decline of the species/population?
- What can we learn from existing species recovery models (e.g. Endangered Species Recovery Teams) to structure and fund the recovery process going forward?
- How will co-production of the science (a collaborative process of engaging both scientists and those using and impacted by the results) advance species recovery goals?
- How does the path to recovery meaningfully incorporate social science concepts and results at all stages of the process?
- How can we incorporate inclusivity and social and environmental justice into all stages along the path to recovery?
We welcome: All individuals and groups with expertise or interest in advancing the recovery of bird populations.
Workshop Report
Day 1: Tuesday, July 27
Inclusion of social science, co-production, and communications in species recovery
Click here to make or read comments about Tuesday’s R2R workshop
Morning session 11:00 am to 1:00 pm EDT
View the Recording
11:00 Welcome and logistics — Paul Schmidt, Road to Recovery
11:05 Introduction to workshop — Paul Schmidt, Road to Recovery
11:20 Plenary: “Conservation – a Human Endeavor” — Ashley Dayer, Virginia Tech
12:00 Panel: Co-production in bird conservation
Moderators: Brandt Ryder, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Ashley Dayer, Virginia Tech
Panelists: David Pavlacky, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Sarah Converse, University of Washington, USGS Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Sarah Saunders, National Audubon Society
1:00 Adjourn
Afternoon session 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm EDT
View the Recording
2:00 Panel: Social science in bird conservation
Moderators: Ashley Dayer, Virginia Tech
Brandt Ryder, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Panelists: Jessica Barnes, North American Bird Conservation Initiative, Virginia Tech
Liliana Naves, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Brad Andres, US Shorebird Conservation Partnership, US Fish and Wildlife Service
3:00 Panel: Communications in bird conservation
Moderators: Ashley Dayer, Virginia Tech
Brandt Ryder, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Panelists: Miyoko Chu, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Meagan Racey, US Fish and Wildlife Service, North Atlantic-Appalachian Region
Hannah Nikonow, Intermountain West Joint Venture
4:00 Adjourn
Day 2: Wednesday, July 28
Recovery stories: Process and the efforts of species working groups and initiatives
Click here to make or read comments about Wednesday’s R2R workshop
Morning session 11:00 am to 1:10 pm EDT
View the Recording
11:00 Introduction to day 2— Sarah Kendrick, Missouri Department of Conservation
11:05 “The Road to Recovery Process” — Ken Rosenberg, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, American Bird Conservancy & Fabiola Rodríguez, Tulane University
11:25 Introduction to species recovery stories — Sarah Kendrick, Missouri Department of Conservation
11:30 ESA Recovery Teams — Michelle Shaughnessy, US Fish and Wildlife Service
11:40 Recovery story: Kirtland’s Warbler — Carol Bocetti, California University of Pennsylvania
11:55 Recovery story: Red-Cockaded Woodpecker — Jeff Walters, Virginia Tech
12:10 Recovery story: Greater Sage Grouse — Tim Griffiths, US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service
12:25 Panel: Lessons learned from recovery and what it can mean for ‘Birds on the Brink’
Moderator: Sarah Kendrick, Missouri Department of Conservation
Panelists: Michelle Shaughnessy, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Carol Bocetti, California University of Pennsylvania
Jeff Walters, Virginia Tech
Tim Griffiths, US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Fabiola Rodríguez, Tulane University
1:10 Adjourn
Afternoon session 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm EDT
View the Recording
2:00 Introduction to species working groups and initiatives & lightning talks part 1 — Bob Ford, Partners in Flight, US Fish and Wildlife Service
2:05 Golden-winged Warbler Working Group — Amber Roth, University of Maine
2:10 Lesser Prairie Chicken Initiative — Christian Hagen, Oregon State University
2:15 ACJV Saltmarsh Sparrow — Aimee Weldon, Atlantic Coast Joint Venture, US Fish and Wildlife Service
2:20 Tricolored Blackbird Working Group — Neil Clipperton, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
2:25 Panel: Species working groups and initiatives and the incorporation of social science, co-production, and communications during their early to mid- stages of working with recovery
Moderator: Bob Ford, Partners in Flight, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Panelists: Amber Roth, University of Maine
Christian Hagen, Oregon State University
Aimee Weldon, Atlantic Coast Joint Venture, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Neil Clipperton, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Jessica Barnes, North American Bird Conservation Initiative, Virginia Tech
Kelly VanBeek, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Ken Rosenberg, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, American Bird Conservancy
3:15 Transition to lightning talks part 2 — Bob Ford
3:20 Pinyon Jay Working Group — Scott Somershoe, US Fish and Wildlife Service
3:25 ACJV Black Rail Working Group — Aimee Weldon, Atlantic Coast Joint Venture, US Fish and Wildlife Service
3:30 Alaska Shorebird Group: Lesser Yellowlegs — Jim Johnson, US Fish and Wildlife Service
3:35 International Rusty Blackbird Working Group — Carol Foss, Audubon Society of New Hampshire
3:40 Panel: Species working groups and initiatives and the incorporation of social science, co-production, and communications during their early to mid- stages of working on recovery
Moderator: Bob Ford, Partners in Flight, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Panelists: Scott Somershoe, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Aimee Weldon, Atlantic Coast Joint Venture, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Jim Johnson, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Carol Foss, Audubon Society of New Hampshire
Jessica Barnes, North American Bird Conservation Initiative, Virginia Tech
Kelly VanBeek, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Ken Rosenberg, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, American Bird Conservancy
4:30 Adjourn
Day 3: Thursday, July 29
Outlook to future: Integrating cultural perspectives, joint ventures as implementation arms, and next steps for R2R
Click here to make or read comments about Thursday’s R2R workshop
Morning session 11:00 am to 1:10 pm EDT
View the Recording Part 1
View the Recording Part 2
11:00 Introduction to day 3: Species working groups and initiatives outside the US and multi-country efforts — Wendy Easton, Canadian Wildlife Service
11:05 Recovery of the Yellow-breasted Chat: Insights from Western Science and Indigenous Canada — Christine Bishop, Environment and Climate Change Canada
11:15 Recovering At Risk Neotropical North American Migratory Landbirds in Colombia and along the Neotropical Flyway — Nick Bayly, SELVA: Investigación para la conservación en el Neotrópico
11:25 Western Hummingbird Partnership: Insight from México — Sarahy Contreras, Universidad de Guadalajara – CUCSUR
11:35 Panel: International Species initiatives recovery efforts and the incorporation of social science, co-production, and communications
Moderator: Tom Will, Road to Recovery
Panelists: Christine Bishop, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Nick Bayly, SELVA: Investigación para la conservación en el Neotrópico
Sarahy Contreras, Universidad de Guadalajara
Claudia Macías, ProNatura Sur
Humberto Berlanga, CONABIO: Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
Kristen Nelson, University of Minnesota
Edwin Juárez, Arizona Game and Fish Department
Wendy Easton, Canadian Wildlife Service
12:20 Introduction to plenary — Paul Schmidt, Road to Recovery
12:25 Plenary: Cultural Ornithology and Integrative Outreach — J. Drew Lanham, Clemson University
12:55 Q & A Plenary: Cultural Ornithology and Integrative Outreach
1:10 Adjourn
Afternoon session 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm EDT
View the Recording
2:00 Joint ventures and species recovery introduction — Todd Fearer, American Bird Conservancy, Appalachian Mountain Joint Venture
2:05 Intermountain West Joint Venture — Dave Smith
2:10 Playa Lakes Joint Venture — Mike Carter
2:15 Atlantic Coast Joint Venture — Mitch Hartley
2:20 Rio Grande Joint Venture — Aimee Roberson
2:25 Panel: Eliminating the Implementation Gap
Moderator: Todd Fearer, American Bird Conservancy, Appalachian Mountain Joint Venture
Panelists: Dave Smith, Intermountain West Joint Venture
Mandi Hirsch, Intermountain West Joint Venture (tentative)
Mike Carter, Playa Lakes Joint Venture
Ashley Gramza, Playa Lakes Joint Venture
Mitch Hartley, Atlantic Coast Joint Venture
Chris Elphick, University of Connecticut
Aimee Roberson, Rio Grande Joint Venture
Alberto Macías Duarte, Sonora State University
Workshop wrap up 3:35 pm to 4:30 pm EDT
3:35 Future of R2R — Pete Marra, Georgetown University
3:45 Open Forum
Panelists: Pete Marra, Georgetown University
Ken Rosenberg, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, American Bird Conservancy
Paul Schmidt, Road to Recovery
Sarah Kendrick, Missouri Department of Conservation
Ashley Dayer, Virginia Tech
Fabiola Rodríguez, Tulane University
4:30 Adjourn