R2R General Announcements

State Agency Engagement Session

Friday, June 10
10:30 – Noon EST

ATTENTION: State Biologists, Researchers, Planners, Wildlife Diversity Staff, and State Wildlife Action Plan Coordinators.

Since the publication of the Science article quantifying a net loss of 3 billion, or 29%, of North American birds in the last 50 years, bird-conservation organizations across the hemisphere have been mobilizing and meeting to discuss next steps in the face of these devastating declines. Road to Recovery, Saving Our Shared Birds recognizes the fundamental role state agencies and land-management entities play in successfully recovering bird populations. We would like to invite you to participate in a Road to Recovery State Engagement Session held June10 from 10::30-Noon EST. Director of Road to Recovery Paul Schmidt will introduce the session, Ken Rosenberg, lead author on the Science paper, will outline our continuing R2R growth, and Sarah Kendrick (FWS, formerly with Missouri Department of Conservation) and Edwin Juarez (Arizona Game and Fish) will outline calls to actions specifically for states to address rapid species’ declines and further engage with R2R via research, Restoring America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA0, State Wildlife Action Plans, and Southern Wings and of course leave lots of time for discussion from participants. 

Please register at this link and mark your calendars and we will send further details closer to the date. Please share with relevant staff in your agency who coordinate any of the programs listed above.

Background and progress of R2R: R2R Guidance Document here
Science article, Decline of the North American Avifauna here (Rosenberg et al. 2019)

We very much look forward to your thoughts and participation!
